This morning’s Narrative is that we’re all supposed to be up in arms that the NLCS is on FS1.
I saw one baseball reporter be upset they didn’t have FS1 at his hotel room and make the suggestion that you can’t grow the sport that way. What? Growing the sport with hotel room occupants?
It’s 2016. People have cable. If you don’t have cable, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not 1955, the players aren’t guys from the neighborhood. It’s big money.
Then there is the (Free) Network TV side of things. Baseball does lousy ratings. Start doing Thursday Night Football numbers and I assure you the game will be on Fox-proper.
As for the growing the sport angle, maybe play the games earlier when the younger generation can see it. I really hope baseball is super popular in the Pacific Time Zone because it’s all anyone seems to care about.
So the game is on channel 581 instead of 505. It’s 2016. What’s the difference? You think baseball is trying to market to people that can’t afford a cable package? Are those same people supposed to drop $30 a ticket to sit in the upper deck? Free TV isn’t the way to grow the sport. That ship sailed a long time ago.