Somewhere along the way, I want to guess 1982 but it may have been earlier, the Mets upgraded their audio/video at Shea. For years we had the awful one-letter-at-a-time message board on the big scoreboard, you probably remember that area as being a Bud sign, and in later years there was Diamondvision.
In-between, the Mets had a small rectangular display board on the left center pole, where the Diamondvision would eventually wind up. It had the ability to quickly tell you things like some Met was hitting .235 with 6 HRs and 18RBI and not much else…but it was an upgrade. We didn’t ask for much in those days.
Anyway, somewhere in there, and again I want to say it was 1982, the Mets introduced the Charge! sound effect. You know the one, because they still use it. If you listen closely the next time you’re at Citi, listen to how scratchy the charge effect sounds. I’m sure it was digitized at some point, but in there is the original version they used when I was a young teen. Love it.