I haven’t done one of these kind of posts in a while.
So what’s going on here?
At first I was confused. Actually I am still confused. Is this….
a) They are buying (at least 4 tickets) and leaving a kid home, thus the need for the babysitter?
b) They are doing it Brady style and bringing the kids AND a babysitter? Can’t Mrs. Brady watch her own kids at a baseball game?
c) It’s date night. Screw the kids. They don’t need a baseball game. but but what happened to bring your kiddies bring your wife? Do we no longer bring kiddies?
d) Mom wanted to go to a home game on a Saturday, but the Mets don’t play Saturday afternoon games and she’s a good mom who can’t in good conscience keep her kids out until 11 at night. Good job mom.
Anyway – this is an expensive outing. 2 Tickets (at least), tolls, parking, food, babysitter….jeez I’m just staying home.
Lova ya @mets.