In a post Rubin world, you need someone to aggregate Mets info so you don’t click on useless articles. Today you can ignore the following links…
Oh sure, when Omar talks about the Mets 7, 8 and 9 pitchers you make fun of him, but Sandy says it and it’s super smart.

Ignore Generic “d’Arnaud is hitting well” articles. That’s a sentence not an article guys.
Ignore Generic Tebow articles. He’s gonna DH Wednesday. That’s it. Now you know everything, Who cares. Oh and Terry says he won’t make the team. No shot Sherlock.
Ignore Generic Matz pitched fine recaps.
Here’s our @nydnsports back page. @nyknicks @orlandomagic @apse_sportmedia #mattharvey #orlandobloom @Mets
— Back Page Guy NYDN (@BackPageGuyNYDN) March 7, 2017
Matt Harvey totally would have pitched better if not for that pesky stiff neck he had. Also, he had a “illegal sponsor logo” (my casual term) according to a link in Uni Watch (in the baseball ticker).
I’ve been doing this for a while. I see May 20th is a David Wright giveaway day. Put a dollar on Wright shutting it down for the season around May 18th.

Today 3/7 Mets are off, expect fishing articles. Since you need something to listen to, how about Greg Prince talking about Mike Piazza for an hour.
TEBOW MANIA Wed 3/8 SNY 1pm / Also split squad radio of Red Sox at Mets on WEEI. Not sure yet about Mets-Houston Split Squad.
Thurs 3/9 SNY 1pm
TEBOW MANIA Fri 3/10 Split Squad: Atlanta coverage on MLB App WIFN 1pm. No word on Houston Split Squad.
Sat 3/11 SNY 1pm
Sun 3/12 radio via MLB App Tigers coverage on 97.1 The Ticket
Mon 3/13 nothing yet