Hey guys, as Mets Police heads into its 10th season, I was reflecting on Topics Past and started wondering about The Wilpons.
Whatever happened to those guys? You fans used to mention them all the time while boycotting games and renting billboards and stuff. Now I never hear about The Wilpons.
It seemed to stop right around the time Cespedes showed up. Could that be a coincidence?
The great prophets of our time (Cerrone, Baron, ‘Goon and me) correctly pointed out the Frontrunner aspect to Wilpon bashing. Win and its all cool and everyone returns to Queens. As soon as the 2019 rebuild kicks in and Matt Harvey and Gary Sanchez are winning pennants across town you guys will suddenly bash the Wilpons again.
Now I don’t care if you like the Wilpons or bash them, but boy that rage is gone. Are all financial decisions cool as long as the money goes to power hitters? There was quite the rage against our owners for a while. They are still the same owners. Now we have no billboards, no newspaper articles, and everyone is back at Citi.
Winning hides all sins, as the great prophets told you.