During the in-game hang last night we somehow started talking about Mettle the Mule. It got me wondering….what happened to Mettle.
If you’re young, you may not know the Mets had a mule mascot in 1979. (Don’t buy into the current We Love Mr. Met thing, they non-person’d Mr. Met for years)
What I would love to know is what happened to him.
So let’s play this out – someone decides the mule is a stupid idea and fires him. Where does the mule go? Does he live on a farm somewhere? Does he know he’s an ex-mascot?
Mules live up to 40 years, but usually live more like 20. So did Mettle just hang out and eat hay and quietly pass away around the millennium? Did the owner know who he was? Was there a ceremony?
Why didn’t the Mets wear a Mettle patch when he died. If Mr. Met dies you know there will be a coverup and a new guy will wear the suit tribute and a patch.
And why can’t we have “Mettles Barn” or something out by the t-shirt people.
Someone investigate this.