I was asked to comment about THIS LIST of best stadiums and I will. Apparently I didn’t do so well.
Before I do, my own casual list.
Fenway is probably the best, slightly better than Wrigley (above) – but I might flip that order depending on my mood. Very underrated are Anaheim & KC which have done fantastic jobs of modernizing old parks.
On the awful end – Fake New Yankee Stadium is the worst stadium I have been to. I imagine TB might be worse but FNYS with it’s subway stop brick style, and unfinished-feeling upper deck kind of sucks
In the middle tier – Citi Field is OK. It’s OK. There’s not much to like about it (an opinion not shared by the 600 t-shirt enthusiasts who like standing 500 feet from home plate for some reason). It’s OK. Not great at all.
A better version of Citi Field is Citizens Bank Park in Phllly. Go there. It’s better.
Camden is terrific. Dodger Stadium is cool.
So let me list….
- Fenway
- Wrigley
- hmmm San Francisco although there are issues with obstructed view plexiglas upstairs
Then however you wanna rank whatever else I mentioned
Then list all the stadiums I have never been to.
Then last is Fake New Yankee Stadium.
OK on to that article…
The Greats: completely utterly insane the writer says FNYS is great. I’m just going to strongly disagree and move on.

At 19 “it’s better than Shea” is not really saying anything nice about Citi Field. It’s the stadium equivalent of someday observing how President Pence is at least better than Trump was. Citi is OK, discussed above, so the author has it in the right section. It’s correctly listed as worse than KC, but to say its better than Anaheim is crazy talk. (Those are stadiums I have been to).
Heading to the bottom tier – Arizona is way way too low. I like that park a lot. Yeah the uppers are about 100 rows high, but it’s a nice park. I don’t agree AT ALL with the ranking of Arizona at #26. I will trade you their park for Citi Field straight up and laugh once Arizona realizes they were handed a dog (unless there are Arizona t-shirt enthusiasts who will like the bridge). Plus our enthusiasts can take over the pool and do their dumb He Struck Him Out Chant. Wow people would HATE them if we ever combined t-shirtism with the pool. Lol.
If Dan Twohig ever writes something for this site ever again he could probably do a bang up job on this as he’s been to like 150 parks including minors. He’s due for his once a year appearance so let’s what he says. Anyway, FNYS blows and Philly is better than Citi.