Thanks all for reading once again this year, my 10th season of blogging about the Mets dating back to April 15, 2008.
These were the most read pieces this year.
6. Terry Collins is destroying the sport of baseball! OMG another pitching change, Terry you will kill us all.

5. A shoutout to Lucas Duda from the rest of the fanbase! An ex-Met shouts out to the t-shirt people and forgets the rest of us.
4. Is the Golden Age of Mets Blogging Over? Yes, yes it is. Page views down, Rubin gone, Cerrone pulling back….it’s over.
3. An article called Here’s What Happened With Adam Rubin which is mostly just a link to another site
2. An article announcing the new 2017 Spring Caps and Jerseys
And the most read article was…
My Mets Blog has gotten kind of anti! A soul searching piece written in a lost season of boredom.