Take a look at the schedule and enjoy these two 8pm games. Then we have one of those insane weekday day games on Wednesday, but it’s the Cubs so I will allow it, and then a West Coast trip like the West Coast trips of my youth where it would be the end of August and the Mets would head off to SD-LA-SF and I would totally lose touch with them because all we had was “Mets at San Francisco, night” in the papers.
The weekend has two 4pm eastern games, but it is Labor Day weekend and beach time grows short (no soccer tournament for Dad for once woooooo!) and the last Dodger game is 7:35pm ET but we’ll be back to school by then.
Then Friday 9/7 the Mets finally return home, hopefully with David Wright at 3B.
Bye bye Mets, see you in two weeks.
SLACKISH REACTION: I wasn’t in the mood for a Mets game so I sat on my deck and listened to some video games podcasts and enjoyed the pool. I’m kind of not in the mood for a game tonight either, but at least Murph vs. Gare should make it interesting.
David Wright did not play Sunday.
As usual, things are pretty quiet coming off a Sunday.
The AAIMBR went with a Rubin Ripoff focused on today’s SP again. As if anyone surfing the internet is like “Oh, todays SP let me click on this.” On the other hand, there’s nothing to write about today and all I did was focus on the opposing 2B – but I bet if I had 52 more writers we could have come up with something if we tried.