You guys really amaze me.
The newest version of #TheNarrative – for you newbies, the narrative is the group-think that all of twitter, the newspapers, and all the other blogs come together on to determine something is the truth. This can be anything from someone being The Next Seaver to thinking Nimmo should have been an All Star or that Mickey Callaway had a Hodges Moment or that Jay Bruce is bad – the newest version of #TheNarrative is that the Mets have had a great second half (they really haven’t, and this team has been 20+ games under .500 since April but hey, wins don’t matter) and that there’s this great core.
Y’all seem to be really into Rosario, Nimmo, McNeil and Conforto. Let me add that Five Four Three Aces in JDG (the One True Ace), Wheeler (everyone’s new man-crush and the Second Half Cy Young dontcha know) and Thor.
So let’s back up – Rosario, Nimmo and Conforto were here. So were the Five Four Three Aces….

….let me add Yoenis Cespedes (remember him?) onto the plan coming in, and instead of McNeil let me remind you that Cabrera had a great year.
And yet you people lost your shit all fucking spring. Stupid Cheap Wilpons #MetsFansSometimesUnitedExceptDruingWinStreaksOrTripsToFenway etc etc.
Now we’ve taken AWAY Cespedes and Cabrera, and suddenly everyone is OK with a second baseman who might not field that well but hey he tries hard and he can hit so its OK (are you kidding me Gare???) and everyone is like Yeah Man Great Core!
Oh, and Jay Bruce hit 30 HRs last year and is still on that team
Anyway – please remember this awesome second half you think the Mets had, and remember that you’re set with your Conforto-Nimmo-whoever (psst Bruce) OF with Rosario, McNeil and HOFer Peter Alonso. You’ll deal with Lyin’ Todd Frazier and there are Five Four Three Aces (we kicked Matz out of Ace Club, right?) so I guess since 7 of the 8 positions and 3/5 of the rotation is set the outrage is…
WHY WON’T THE WILPONS UPGRADE CATCHER and this fantasy that anyone has a good bullpen that can eat the amount of innings that Mickey Hodges wants them to.