Mets Police Morning Laziness: Mets to skip Vargas to keep deGrom on normal rest

Oh man the Mets are skipping Vargas to keep this deGrom guy on his regular rest…..wait there’s nothing to complain about there…the Mets are being smart.  Maybe there IS a new culture.

Everything is great in Queens. The Mets are in first place.  Even Gary Cohen stopped sucking!  

Did you enjoy WWE day?  It seemed like a lot of people enjoyed a 1:10 start on a sunny Saturday.  Unfortunately it was the last one of the year..  The new culture isn’t that strong!

I played 5 hours of MLB The Show again.  It is really really good.  I’m stuck in AA with Dom Smith lol.

It’s a pretty quiet Sunday in the google search so I am off to the bagel store and a soccer game or two.  #RRQBT