Mets Police Morning Laziness: #TeamVargas knows what’s up

SLACKISH REACTION:  I was enjoying the game (Vargas Day!) and thought I would see an actual sub 3 hour game…then the 9th happened and I turned the game off at 10:02 with the score tied.  I understand that you all think that’s insane, but I decided last year that baseball does not deserve more than three hours of my time.  So I woke up this morning, Alexa told me the score, and I feel no worse for the wear.  It’s just a TV show and I’m not staying up late to watch it.

Meanwhile, #TeamVargas is excited.  I hope that guy the Mets are starting tonight can be Vargas-good.

With that big HR, Lyin’ Todd Frazier’s OPS is now .647!   Gary had a great call.

Thanks all for reading.  While April 2019 couldn’t catch April 2018 (you may recall the 11-1 start had people excited – by the way where are all the comedians that liked the 2019 Mets when they were like 5-1? I guess they had tour dates scheduled for late April.)

That said, it was the best month since May 2018 (just missed…and that was a function of me working yesterday and not flooring it for those last few page views- the site averaged ONE fewer hit per day lol) and the best April (other than 2018) since 2015.  2015’s numbers are gonna be hard to touch.  Anyway, thank you!