Curiously, Mets decide to offer 10 game ticket plans. Here’s why I think they did…

Back on May 17th I asked if bad site traffic here at MP was a sign that the Mets’ product was not connecting with fans.

Now I know my site sucks and all….but I can compare relative sucking and the site has been sucking at January like levels.  That was very extraordinary.   I have been doing this for 11 years and here’s the pattern.  March and April are up.  Then the site stays hot until the comedians and front runners check out.  Then August-January is low and it picks up again in February when hope springs eternal.  Things like All Star Games, rare playoff appearances or Captains retiring will spike the numbers as you expect.

So as lame as my content is, May should not be at January numbers.  Unless the fanbase has checked out early.

Today I saw this…

…and friends, I have been doing this a long time. The Mets didn’t wake up today and decide to be cool and offer 10 game plans. This is a big loud sign to me that ticket sales must be poor. Oh I’m sure they have their base, but they must see something in the numbers telling them that the incremental attendance won’t be coming.

10 Game Plans are traditionally offered in bad seasons.  Then when the Mets get some young players 10 game plans become 15, and when the Mets get good 15 becomes 20.

This is a VERY interesting development.

Right now the Mets are averaging 28,459, up from 2018’s 28,164.