Gil Must Go: the law of averages starting to kick in, Mets lose 4-3

What a slog that game was.  12 innings.   3 hours and 17 minutes.  

I do not feel bad at all for Gary G.  Look man, you can’t give up 3 runs in 9 innings and expect to win.  How many good pitchers do you see with ERAs over 3?  Not too many.

I’m still not feeling Don Clendenon .  I’m happy he was 3 for 6 but that .242 is sticking out like a sore thumb.  I guess Buddy isn’t gonna hit .300 (.242).  I’m really thinking we gotta get Shamsky more ABs.

Anyway, tough 4-3 loss but at some point the math will catch up with this team.  53-40 just isn’t real.