Let’s talk Mets Trade Rumors….and some that should be trade rumors

NOAH SYNDERGAARD.    No he’s not going to the Yankees, don’t be stupid.   But it sounds like he may be going somewhere.  This one will make me sad, as he has actual Star Power which this team could use.

However, Wags screwed up this team so they need to rebuild and you have to give to get.   This sucks.

Also, Wags screwed up this team and we’re counting on him to fix it.  I can’t believe I am saying this but I hope Omar has Jeff’s ear!

LYIN’ TODD FRAZIER.   SAD.    I can’t believe nobody wants him!

THESE TWO.  No, the Mets aren’t thinking about trading them but I think they should – especially McNeil.  Trade High.  Yes I know you’re going to get on me about control and stuff.  As for Pete, did I mention Ike Davis hit 32 HRs once and that Dom Smith can be your first baseman?  As for McNeil….trade high and I will leave it at that.  Sorry boys, the GM screwed us and I am trying to fix things.

THESE TWO!   So remember the spin that this was not a Cano trade it was a trade for Diaz and Cano was just the baggage?   Well now the word is that the Mets want to move Diaz.  All they need to do is fine one GM so stupid that he (or she) will take Cano’s albatross contract just to get Diaz.   While at it, ask for two prospects.  If only there were a GM that stupid somewhere….

JDG.   You wanna rebuild?  I know he has a no-trade but ask him if he’d be willing to go someplace else.   You could keep Thor then.  Or maybe trade them all, who cares at this point!

VARGAS.  Seems exactly the sort of piece you move to a team in a playoff chase.  He can take some starts on the back end of a rotation and get you to October 1 at which point you leave him off the ALDS roster.

RAMOS.  Someone must want a catcher, no?

THE ALARM!   As much as I am telling you trade high with McNeil and Alonso (Yes I said it) – don’t trade low here.  This guy can hit and the Mets have done a really great job ruining his trade value.   He turned 24 on June 15th.

WHEELER.  Met him at the Mets holiday party one year.  He was cool.  There’s also no reason not to trade him.  You can always re-sign him if you like him.

In summary – trade everyone on the roster except Dom Smith.

What do you guys think?