Lyin’ Todd Frazier has baby attack on Twitter. Sad!

Todd you already blocked me.  Sorry you can’t double block me.

Lyin’ Todd Frazier, admitted cheater, got upset at one of the beat reporters today.  Man, I can’t believe I have to choose between the beat and Todd Frazier.  Can I pick getting punched in the kidney or having to listen to Mike Francesa or something?   Oh well, I guess I will side against Lyin’ Todd.

Todd seems proud of his strikeout.

On paper this guy should be Mr. Met.  The whole NJ thing.  Seems to sell the idea that he plays hard.  But he comes across like he’s Adam Sandler doing a character.

I dunno, I won’t miss him.  Boston, why don’t you call Wags and see if he’ll throw in whatever prospects we have left in exchange for whatever your worst contract is.