Mets Police Morning Laziness: a week after the dopey Wild Card Chase articles, how we doing?

“I haven’t really had much of a discussion with the front office as far as the future of me being a Met,” Syndergaard said. “But as of right now, I’m more than happy where I’m at right now and I look forward to continuing to put on this jersey.” (via NY Post)

For sure, no one will approach the potent brew of goodies, including two top prospects and immense relief from the Robinson Cano contract, that the Mets handed over to the Mariners to land the best closer of 2018. Well-run teams figure out better ways to build a good bullpen than seriously compromising their young talent base. And that’s the most logical reason to trade Diaz now for the right offer: To rebuild that base with the confidence that Diaz’s value can be replicated by more efficient means. (via NY Post)

SLACKISH REACTION:  I didn’t see any of the game as I decided to have a life and socialize with friends.  Earlier in the day I was thinking about how sick I am of having this team be double digits games back in July.

Robinson Cano wa 0 for 4.  He has 9 home runs.

It was one week ago today idiots were writing articles about the Wild Card Chase.  The Mets are now 8 GB.

You know what’s kind of crazy?  Playing your sport on a weekday at noon.  However it should be a beautiful day.   Today is a good drive-through of why the Mets should try my idea of playing a FRIDAY day game in the summer…but then again they don’t even play SATURDAY day games.   But Thursday…sure.

I don’t have ESPN Plus, but the teaser here is saying everything I have been saying. TRADE THEM ALL, EVEN THE TWO POSITION PLAYER ALL STARS. TRADE HIGH. BE BOLD. TEAR THIS DOWN. YOU FAILED. YOU FAILED HARD.