Mickey Hodges has left the building

I swear the Mets have a spycam on me. For the 12 seasons I have been doing this, every time there is major news they wait until I am busy. Originally this news was supposed to come out yesterday when I was free but noooooooo they waited.

I seriously was one minute into a huge meeting when @mediagoon texted me. My utmost appreciation for him grabbing the blog on my behalf and posting the news.

Ok about Mickey…

If you read the site you know I was never a fan. I will never get over Howie having his Castillo Moment when he called Mickey benching poor young Dom Smith a “Hodges moment.” Howie, you of all people should have known not to throw Gil’s name around so lightly.

That said, it’s interesting to note that the Hodges moment changed franchise history because it wrecked Dom’s career, allowing another 1B to seize the opportunity. Which brings us to culture.

This week there was nonsense yet again about the New Culture that Pete Alonso has brought to the Mets. Last April everyone was writing about Mickey’s New Culture. Mickey was pretty popular at 11 and 1.

All of this has happened before and will happen again. Jeff, the GM and the new manager will hold a press conference and tell us that this time it’s different. The Mets are committed to winning this year and every year. We’ve been there and done that. Nothing changes. Nothing will change this Time either.

Half the beat will leave (taking jobs to cover the Yankees). At their new gig they will take the shots at the Wilpons that they didn’t have the courage to take while working in Queens.

The remaining beat will talk about how the new camp in spring feels different. THIS Mets team is different and Wags and the manager have set the tone etc etc.

Comedians will come to games! We will all buy t-shirts! I will stay in my lane and you will all say how negative I am. Until June.

All of this has happened before and will happen again.

Mickey, I wish you well. I’m not sure you were a great manager but you may not have been horrible. In another life I bet you’d be the way cool pitching coach we all loved.

Was Mickey better than Terry? Or Jerry? Or Willie? Was he worse? Does it matter?

I have zero faith in Wags to get this right. He will probably make some pick that’s trying way to hard to prove he’s the smartest guy in the room. For all I can tell there are smarter guys in Seattle and Toronto.

Good luck and Let’s Go Mets. So say we all.