The Top 5 James Bond Villains

Hey since it’s quiet I thought I’d rank James Bond Villains



This villain is great in that he has a hat that can kill you.  Cool look, cool gimmick.


This is the James Bond Villain of our youth.  Cool gimmick, cool look, and you were even happy to see him show up in a second movie.



One of the longest running Bond villains, Wilpon first appeared as a minor character back when Timothy Dalton was Bond.  Lasting over thirty years, through Dalton, Bronson, and now Daniel Craig, Wilpon has stopped Bond from saving the world with various schemes involving parking lots, developing parkland, and generally not giving Bond the resources he needs.


Iconic.  Cool cat.  Tried to make a comeback in the 80s which was bad idea.  Made a comeback in the 2010s that made no sense.  But the original Dr. Evil inspiration….awesome.


Guy That Christopher Walken Played was one of those rich guys who is up to something.  Sort of a Wilpon Before Wilpon.  If I remember correctly, his scheme also involved real estate.  Or maybe that was Lex Luthor.  Anyway, Guy That Christopher Walken Played was played by Christopher Walken so that’s good enough.  If I told you Walken was going to play the villain in the next Bond movie you’d be in.  So there.