Washington Post discusses concept of MLB teams going bankrupt

Hey this is interesting, although you guys are more interested in Jeff McNeil playing video games or whatever silly opinions Vulgar Pete and The Big Zero have today.  Fortunately you have me to keep you focused.

“There are owners who are highly leveraged outside of the team,” Zimbalist said when asked about the possibility of teams going bankrupt. “There may be four or five teams out there that are skating on thin ice because of their financial situation. But I think what happens in a worst-case scenario is an owner goes bankrupt and sells the team. MLB could take over that team. Baseball could go in there and keep the Marlins running, if that’s the [team] that goes over first.” (Via Washington Post)

Wow, some teams are highly leveraged outside the team?   That’s kind of scary.  You’d hate to see a local team go bankrupt and MLB take it over.

“For the average team, about 50 percent of revenue is stadium-based, from ticket sales, parking, concessions, sponsorships, signage. It would only make sense for teams to play games if they can reach a subsequent deal with the players’ association to supplement the deal they made [in March],” said Andrew Zimbalist, an author and professor of economics at Smith College. “[MLB owners] would have to get the players’ association to agree to some formula at least close to that reality. If they didn’t, they would lose a lot of money.” (via Washington Post)

Anyway, baseball will be back soon.  We’ll all be out at the park soon, jumping on to crowded 7 trains, waiting on two hour lines to get bobbleheads,  and then standing on the bridge with our fellow Mets Enthusiasts.  Baseball has nothing to worry about as it’s more popular than ever!