Good job Daily News!
I often dump on newspapers for people an out of touch collection of yesterday’s tweets printed on parchment and delivered to your house or bodega via horse and buggy, and the Daily News Remnant is a sad shadow of what that paper once was….but I am here to praise them today for asking Actual Questions like your favorite blog does.
You may have noticed that yesterday I asked why baseball players are magically exempt from the travel quarantine. The Daily News Remnant dug in..
Neither team responded to the Daily News’ questions regarding how MLB’s protocols differed from the state.
Cuomo’s advisory applies to anyone — well, almost anyone — traveling to New York from a state with either a COVID-19 transmission rate above 10 per 100,000 people or 10% of the total population testing positive if those indicators were reached during a seven-day rolling average.
Dozens of MLB players and staff, including some unnamed Yankees, reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 over the last week, prompting the league to close all spring training facilities in Florida and Arizona on June 20. (via Daily News)
So, what’s the answer Mr. Governor? Why are baseball players magically different?
I know content like this is too challenging for some Mets fans. The guys at the AAIMBR have “what the Mets rotation could look like” for those of you who don’t like to think. The article takes time to list the Mets SPs and has a giant picture of Jacob deGrom, who you may recall is the Mets’ ace.