Link: Baseball is honoring the Negro Leagues. It needs to explain why they existed (Washington Post)

Excellent job by WashPo.

…the ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ of 1887 between white professional baseball teams excluded all black players from participation, leading to the eventual creation of the Negro Leagues,” wrote Stephen Segal in the journal “The Historian” in 2012.

But you won’t hear that explained on Sunday as baseball marks the centennial birth of the Negro Leagues. Instead, Major League Baseball will cover it up with a 100th anniversary logo patch on players’ uniforms in Sunday’s games. Pat itself on the back for joining the players’ union in making a $1 million contribution to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City. Have some virtual conversations in pandemic-empty stadiums about some of the black men who made for great tales over a 60-year span playing just among themselves.

I will remind everyone that on Day One of Baseball, MLB made a big show about Black Lives Matter, and by Day Two teams like the Mets had replaced the BLM logo with an advertistement.

Good job Washington Post