Ok NOW we can rage at the Wilpons about the Seaver statue

Dear Fred and Jeff,

You should be ashamed.

Tom Seaver did not get any better at pitching since 1987.

You waited and waited and waited and waited and waited.  You waited so long that Tom couldn’t be at the 41 Seaver Way ceremony.

You waited so long that Tom did not get to see even a photo of his statue.

Shame on you.

Do not make this mistake again.

The next time fans are allowed in the stands you should retire David Wright’s number.  There’s no need to wait 20 years.  Do it now.  Tomorrow is never guaranteed.

If at some point we learn that David corked his bat on 1000 hits or that he was a Soviet Double Agent all along you can always unretire it.

Don’t wait.

Similarly, every September we are all told a Mike Piazza home run healed the city.  Then let’s make a statue.   He’s the only living player with his retired number in the rafters (until stupid Covid leaves and Jerry Koosman’s 36 can join him).

So make a Pizza statue and have it ready for 9/11/21.

Tomorrow never knows.

You waited too long.

Shame on you Fred and Jeff.