Let Pitchers Bat! Why is Luis Rojas not preparing his Mets team?

What the heck is this?

Luis Rojas was asked on Tuesday when he plans to start giving his pitchers some at-bats in preparation to hit again. The manager said, originally, pitchers were going to start hitting this week. That plan changed, and they will begin taking hacks a little later in camp.

“We’ve been waiting to see if there’s going to be a DH, and that definitely would help with a lot of the things that are going on just to keep everyone healthy as we have a bubble,” Rojas said.

This is insane.


Let the pitchers bat.  The worst that happens is that MLB goes – PSCYHE, THERE IS A DH and then you don’t have the pitchers bat.  Why would you waste the practice games not getting them ready.

And why isn’t Dom getting reps in LF.

As I floated yesterday, is it possible that Sandy Alderson who was and maybe is (I am too busy to find out) on the Rules Committee knows that a DH is coming?

In the meantime, this is reckless.  The manager’s job in the spring is to get the team ready.  I’m seeing a team waste time. Not good.  I’m not sure Rojas is up to the major league job.