What if the Mets new manager could guarantee the Mets a World Series championship in 2022? Wouldn’t that be worth everything to you?
That’s where Mr. Applegate comes in.
Steve seems like he’s willing to do whatever it takes. All he has to do is hand the team over to Mr. Applegate, and the Mets will be 2022 champions. We could use a slugging left fielder, but I bet that will be taken care of in the off-season.
Is there nothing Steve won’t do to win? He’s proven in the past his willingness to write huge checks. He doesn’t seem to care if players hate the fans and will continue to employ them as long as they perform So why not get Mr. Applegate in here and not ask any questions? In the end, all that matters is winning, right?
Unfortunately, the Mets would probably be afraid of brand confusion with a New Jersey based hockey team and will be afraid to make this bold decision. It’s a shame, because hiring Mr. Applegate would have been a small price for most fans to pay to see the Mets finally win a World Series.
Will The Devil manage the Mets? No.