Here’s a great suggestion from @ihatedeadends.
Dr. Evil might be a better choice for General Manager than manager (we offer your free agent….ONE MILLION DOLLARS)…but that’s not the bit.
We do know that Dr. Evil can successfully manage things. And to my delight, his managerial style is straight out of the 1960s. He’ll let the starting pitching throw 10 or 11 innings, and when one of the suits tries to explain Analytics to him he will have no idea what they are talking about.
“Dr. Evil, this is deGrom’s third time through the lineup, don’t you think we should use 7 relievers to get these last 9 outs?”
“Zip it!”
Also I think it would be cool if the base coaches were issued uniform Number 2 and Number 3.
The only issue, do the Mets want to have an evil billionaire running things? I don’t think that would turn out well.
Will Dr. Evil manage the Mets? No.