Mets Black in Black David Wright black throwback jersey package


So this looks “cool” at first glance, but the devil is in the details.

What’s “cool” about it is – you probably forgot to buy a black jersey the first time around even though you supposedly love them so much.  You COULD get the new black jersey (which is a better design, but still bad because it is black) – but the new design lacks the blue piping (which is why it looks better.)

So here’s a rare opportunity to get the Old Black design!

Cool!  $25 and you get a jersey of some sort…not bad….OH WAIT

…the detail is you need 15 people.

I guess that you could just look at it that it will cost you $375 to get a replica jersey.  Media Goon has done worse things.

Or maybe you get a few friends and split the cost…so you each get a replica for like $80 or so and you can give the extra tickets to a kid.

Or you can plan ahead like Media Goon and I do and buy the jerseys when they are available.  A jersey purchase is not always about wearing it today.  Things become cool over time… my black road N E W Y O R K jersey.  I bet you wish you had one.  Or Mercury Mets.  Or Road Swoosh.  All terrible, all cool now.   I own a St. Louis Blues Martin Brodeur jersey for that reason – I bought it when he  was on the team.  Now I can wear it to a Devils game and it is cool.

Here is the current black design for those of you who don’t know what the difference is.  For example, if you want a Mike Hampton jersey (why?) in a design he need wore…