Report: MLB NOT testing for steroids. My crystal ball says…

You don’t need to test us for steroids.

A report says MLB’s drug agreement gas expired, therefore players aren’t being tested for steroids.

Some predictions….

Some players are about to have amazing seasons!  Unbelievable seasons. The likes of which you haven’t seen since the turn of the century.  Some of these players might even play nearby where you live!

The media will play dumb.

When those players have UNBELIEVABLE seasons you guys will say things like “well he was hitting 50 anyway!”

The beat will play dumb.

Guys will eventually show up at camp, when we have camp, and explain how they worked out a lot during the lockout and put on muscle.

The people who broadcast the game will play dumb.  Except Bob Costas.

In 25 years the writers won’t let the people about to have amazing seasons into Cooperstown

AND maybe an owner looks at this and says, “Hey, I have to pay that guy $25 million anyway and historically he is better on steroids….tell Manfred to leave it alone” and then that team suddenly goes from having an albatross to an MVP candidate.

All of this has happened before and will happen again.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.  Don’t ask questions.  There is money to be made.