Why Isn’t Mike Piazza part of Mets Old Timers’ Day?

Hey it seems like just last week Mike Piazza was speaking like he is “the Mets” and he’s been walking around like Tom Seaver left a note saying “Mike Piazza is The Franchise now” so why isn’t Mike Pizza one of the announced names for Old Timers’ Day.

Suddenly the Mets are trotting out Daniel Murphy like they didn’t try to replace him with Ike Davis, or didn’t resign him after the 2015 run or have announcers that seemingly bashed the guy every night on the telecasts?


Does the guy live in Italy or something?  Is it possible the great Mets Ambassador wants to be PAID to come? (something that notable baseball players do all the time, Joe DiMaggio wasn’t showing up at Yankee Stadium II to be cool).  Maybe it’s as simple as a vaccination card requirement to enter Citi Field.  Who knows?

The Mets’ release mentioned…

Frank Thomas, Ron Swoboda, Jon Matlack, Felix Millán, Mookie Wilson, Howard Johnson, Bobby Ojeda, Robin Ventura, Turk Wendell, Endy Chávez, Cliff Floyd and Daniel Murphy are among some of the over 40 players scheduled to attend. The Mets will be announcing additional former players who will be participating in the game in the coming months.

Also it’s a shame the Mets don’t have access to Ron Darling or Keith Hernandez.  Would be great to see those guys.