Unpopular opinion: the Mets are doing great and it’s still not interesting

So maybe it’s just the Gary and Ron booth not working for me, maybe it’s the late starts and weekday day games and that I am not in a TV rhythm.   Maybe it’s that the twitter hang isn’t what it once was.

Maybe it’s that I don’t like Pete Alonso and that Francisco Lindor is despicable.

Anyway – despite all the success, and how happy I am that they finally stopped clowning around and brought in a professional manager, I just haven’t been able to get into this team (yet?)

I do find myself liking Scherzer.  Sure it’s easy to like someone who plays well.  Once he admitted he was on the Mets (his social media said Dodgers all winter making me wonder if he wants to be here…)

…but I like that he and the Mrs are trying to help dogs….and he seems like a bulldog throwback ‘give me the ball’ type….so right now he’s who I am focused on.

I was excited about Canha, as I had used him a lot in MLB The Show, but then he went and tweeted a vulgar version of LGM so I totally lost interest in him.  (Thank you Pete for poisoning the culture.  Mets, let me know if I can drive Pete and Lindor to the airport when you trade them.)

All that said, I am finding it really easy to not watch the Mets and I am not missing it.  I don’t miss going to games AT ALL, and now I don’t even miss watching the games.

I don’t expect any of you to agree with this.  I am glad the Mets are winning.  I am glad that they are being properly run.  Hopefully it eventually gets warm and the Mets play at 7pm a lot and I can watch games on the deck.   But right now – I’m just not feeling it baseball.