Excited to watch Mets Baseball tonight!

I am actually excited to watch Mets Baseball tonight!

It should be nice out to watch some baseball on the deck over a nice cider with ice.  Then, when I head inside….

I have a brand new gigantic television – the kind I tell you to spend your ticket budget on.  Max is going (Max has got this) and it’s the closest thing to a meaningful game in two months since the Mets opened a 10 game lead.

About that lead….stay calm…the Braves have thrown the kitchen sink at the Mets and still didn’t catch up.  Max will win tonight and the Mets will leave town in first.

BTW if you’re curious why I haven’t covered the Hernandez ceremony, I was on a secret mission for MI6 and haven’t seen it yet.  When I catch a moment I will watch and review.