Why is the sound ahead of the picture on @SNYTV @Mets games?????!!!!

People hate most of my points, which is fine, 14 seasons in I am quite used to that – but last night I brought up something and people actually supported it?


I thought maybe Gary Cohen had developed psychic abilities and was now able to say STRUCK HIM OUT as the batter was still swinging.  Then I noticed the glove would pop before the ball got there.  So I mentioned in on twitter and instead of people telling me I am old/stupid/negative they supported me!

So SNY – what’s the deal?

In my case I am streaming SNY Television via Roku using YouTubeTV using Fios.  Regardless, it’s 2022 and I don’t think that is at all an absurd weirdo setup nor do I think its crazy for me to expect the sound be in sync with the picture.

The Mets won’t help here.  They did nothing about WOR’s wah wah of the not one, not two, not three, but four fulls seasons where the MLBAM App had LOUD COMMERCIALS that would blow my ears off, so I doubt Steve is calling the Wilpons to ask them to fix their TV channel.

So let’s press SNY the old fashioned way.  Amplify the post.  Or write your own and complain on social media until someone at the Post or NY Times notices and then we can force SNY to fix the broadcast.