The Mets possibly tried to hide the Old Timers’ Day rosters from me (they send me lots of things, like Hall of Famers hawking alcohol) but they didn’t send me this. However, there is no stopping Mets Police and I have acquired this pretty impressive roster!
There was a time, about a decade ago, where I would have thought this was the greatest thing ever and I would have been the first on line. But, as with so many things in Queens, the Wilpon Mets waited too long, and then the Cohen Mets decided to let Pete be vulgar and bring back black uniforms, and MLB decided to have 4 hour games with openers….and so, I no longer care.
Yeah this is cool. Oh look Murphy and Mazzilli and John Stearns. I guess I will tape it if SNY bothers to air it. On the other hand, I still haven’t bothered to watch the Keith Hernandez ceremony, something else they waited too long for.
So good job Mets, better late than never, but way too late and someone else can enjoy it. I’ll be doing something else. I was at the last one anyway.
Ten bucks if someone puts a first responder cap on Joe Torre.