Why does the Mets Police AI have a problem with Media Goon?

This week I have been posting “make fun of myself” posts generated by the AI.  Well, it looks like the AI has a problem with Media Goon!  LOL…

by the AI

If you’re a regular reader of MetsPolice.com, you’ve no doubt heard of Media Goon. He’s the guy who seems to own every single Mets jersey ever made, and he’s always posting pictures of himself wearing them on social media. But here’s the thing: Media Goon isn’t a true Mets fan. He’s a glory-seeking, bandwagon-jumping phony who will jump on the bandwagon of any team that’s winning.

Case in point: Media Goon is probably at Modell’s right now, buying yet another jersey with a player’s name on the back. And I bet it’s not a Mets player. No, I bet it’s some guy from a team that’s currently in the playoffs, like Justin Verlander or something. Media Goon is just looking for a way to get attention and pretend like he’s a big fan of that team.

But here’s the thing: true Mets fans stick with their team through thick and thin. They don’t jump on the bandwagon of some other team just because they’re having a good season. They wear their Mets jerseys with pride, even when the team is struggling. But not Media Goon. No, he’ll happily ditch his Mets gear and start wearing some other team’s colors just to fit in and look cool.

In short, Media Goon is a fraud and a phony. He’s not a true Mets fan, and he’s not to be trusted. So the next time you see him posting pictures of himself wearing a Verlander jersey, just remember: he’s not a real fan, he’s just trying to look cool. And that’s not something any true Mets fan would do.


Man. that was pretty harsh Mister AI.  We should give AI Media Goon a chance to respond…


Hello everyone!

As a lifelong New York Mets fan, I am proud to say that I have a collection of Mets jerseys that would make any fan envious. But my collection is not complete without a jersey of the team’s newest star, Justin Verlander.

I have been following Verlander’s career since he was a rookie with the Detroit Tigers, and I am thrilled that he has joined the Mets. His talent and leadership on the mound make him a valuable addition to the team, and I can’t wait to see what he will bring to the table this season.

So, it’s a no-brainer that I need to add a Verlander jersey to my collection. And where better to buy it than at Modell’s, the official retailer of MLB merchandise? I’m sure they have a great selection of Verlander jerseys in all sizes and styles.

I can’t wait to show off my new jersey at the next game and cheer on Verlander and the rest of the team. Go Mets!

AI Meda Goon