Does a new Mets scoreboard matter if the actual game of baseball is boring?

The Mets are very excited about this!

And there was a time, around 1982, when Diamondvision coming to Shea was exciting. (As kids, remember watching The Bad News Bears play in the Astrodome and being jealous of their scoreboard)

However, times change. Baseball has gotten slllllloooowww. The average game ws 3:09 last year, and most of that three hours is strikeouts, walks, and waiting for Pete Alonso to hit a HR every 4 days, which really isn’t that exciting if you think about it. Yay, three seconds of buzz and back to the strikeouts. Compare that to a Whitey Herzog era rally, which was constant action.

Anyway, the Mets have a new scoreboard.  Yay?  To show replays of what….strikeouts? Lindor booing the fans?  To deliver more ads? (yes).  Is this going to make me want to drive 75 minutes, pay $30 to park or whatever, and get a $15 Nathans combo that doesn’t come with a drink (your actual experience may vary).  No thanks.