MUST MUST READ!!!!! Your Ad Here: How (the Mets Market) Itself to Brands via Uni Watch!!!!!!!

Hello friends. I cannot encourage you highly enough to check out today’s Uni Watch Substack.

The background here….I was googling one day, something like “Mets new executive brand extension” trying to refresh my brian about some new suit the Mets hired to extend their brand or something.  I still can’t find whatever the original article was.

As part of the search, I found this cool PDF related to…well let’s let Paul Lukas describe it.

When you watch a baseball game, whether in person or on TV, you’re exposed to a lot of advertising — ads on the outfield walls, in the dugout, on the scoreboard, and a lot more. Did you ever think about how the team sells those ads, and how it approaches potential advertisers?……….

……..a PowerPoint presentation called “Where Brands Meet Amazin’: 2023 Marketing Partnership Opportunities.” It’s the pitch deck that the Mets are using this season to approach potential advertisers for TV broadcasts and in-stadium signage.

Paul then discusses the slide show, I mean presentation, with an advertising expert, and what follows is a really SMART thought out look at what the Mets are presenting to potential advertisers.

I am so happy Paul did the intelligent version of this, as my version would have been Zing The Slides, which is kind of what I do, right?

Of particular interest to me – an idea involving replacing The Apple with….wait for it….a BANANA.  After reading the article, I think it’s actually a good idea even though if the Mets had floated it I would have lost my mind and been the one leading the charge to stop it lol.   (The banana is not the Mets’ idea.  Read the article, it will all make sense.  It’s called a TEASER folks.)

The article can be found here.

Yes it’s behind a paywall, but it’s 2023 man, surely you have a few subscriptions to things you like.  Even I do, and I am notoriously cheap!!!   Sign up for the Substack already.

I assure you this is well worth your time…and it’s a lengthy meaty well thought out read.  I’m not sending you to a two paragraph article, or some dopey post about a cap because a blogger has a consecutive days streak he tries not to snap but somedays has nothing to say.  This is a GREAT piece.  It has even inspired me to work on an article ranking the Greatest Uni Watch Mets Related Articles of all time.  Remember the one about the Wilpon Script?  Or Original Mrs. Met?

I’m more excited about this article than I am about the actual baseball season (well, to be fair, I am not excited about the baseball season in the least…ok I am more excited about the article than the 1985 baseball season.)

Seriously, I am so glad Paul grabbed this one. I have read it twice so far, and I keep imagining what a hack job my version would have been just slinging the zings.  Nice job Paul and Ben (he’s teh advertising professional).