Hey Steve Cohen (thanks for reading) the Mets need stability, don’t dismiss Buck Showalter

Hey Steve, I appreciate you reading Mets Police.

So look….I see the Buck rumors.  Don’t you think this franchise needs SOME stability?  Yes I get that Stearns will wanna bring in his guy whoever that is…but you’re the boss.  You can act like you stay out of baseball decisions but I am confident if Stearns said “Curt Schilling is the new manager!” you would weigh in.

Last  year everyone loved Buck and we talked about how nice it was to have a pro.

You followed the team during Rojas and Mickey Hodges right?  Do you wanna do that again?

Stay the course Steve.

Otherwise we’re gonna do this….

….and that’s just silly.  You and Stearns will stand next to the new young hotshot who understands today’s players.  That isn’t gonna work either, and you’ll have 8 years left on the albatross deal you’re gonna give Vulgar Pete.

Then after that disaster you’ll wind up paying Bochy or Bob Melvin or someone like that, and we will be right where we are today.

Buck isn’t the problem.

You can do your George Steinbrenner Karaoke thing when you extend Pete….oh wait, Luke Skywalker has a message….

….where as I…oh yeah you can do your Steinbrenner Uncle Steve act and extend Pete and you’ll be loved.  That’s what this is about, right?  I mean, I am gonna ruin you for it for another decade because it’s a mistake….but hey it’s coming isn’t it.

So enjoy the Uncle Steve love from the Pete Mistake….but don’t compound it with a managerial change.  Stearns will still take your money, he’ll get over it.