Thanks to General Paul Lukas and Uni Watch

As General Paul Lukas (from the War to Ditch the Black) wraps up his 25 years on Uni Watch, I’d like to congratulate him on all the great articles over the years, the support that site gave to this one, and our general back and forth (some public, some not) about Mets related things over the years.

Two must reads from over the years that come to mind are

The Wilpon Script

and this one about Lady Met 

One must also remember Paul’s efforts to encourage the Mets to restore Uniform Sanity and to remove the back, which did happen in 2012 before Steve Cohen went and ruined everything again.  At least the Mets looked nice for a decade there.

Paul also helped us get the Queens Baseball Convention started years ago with the Uni Watch panel(s).

Congrats, and best success in your next endeavor!