Who should be on the Mount Rushmore of Mets Losers?

I totally stole a bit from someone on the internet, and that bit is the Mount Rushmore Of Losers.

For our purposes we will ignore political figures and only discuss Mets Players.  I get there may be some former owners you’d like to include, but this is players only.

As 5pm approaches in the east a LOT of people are suggesting Jason Bay.

He looks like a lock in the popular vote.

The two that came to my mind were Sleeper Agent Tom Glavine who may have still been working for the Braves while luring us in.

I also thing you HAVE to include Anthony Young as he had the streak for losing games as a pitcher.  So he’s in, but in an honorable way.

So who else?  Do we go big and say Bonilla?  Mo Vaughn?  Richie Hebner?

This is some quality off-season filler so let’s keep this open for a day….comments open on twitter @metspolice and Facebook.com/metspolice