Dear @Mets, please report the scores properly

We need to start talking about this…

Without going full rant, that’s just not how we do scores in baseball.

No matter what you are going to win 40, lose 40 and then there are the other 82 games.  It’s baseball.  You’re going to lose sometimes.  You’re lucky if you only lose 1 in 3.  It’s OK Mets, the Cardinals outscored you, we can handle it.

Going up a level, I don’t know what’s broken over at Mets social media.  I don’t know if it is Tia’s husband (boy there sure are marketing her lately), or the new Communications boss or MLBAM or what, but it’s nowhere nearly as good as it used to be.

I have been paying attention to the quantity I have dubbed “cheesy social media intern”, this being the human or AI that generates such amazing posts as “McHits” – that entity I believe to be someone at Corporate MLB as I see that style of tweet showing up in recaps of other teams.  Likely someone just working a shift and they sometimes get assigned to Mets game.

Anyway @mets – Cardinals 8, Mets 7…it’s ok.  You aren’t fooling us.