An email: thanks for the presale


I just wanted to say a public thank you to the Mets for actually thinking of their account holders when it comes to the Subway Series this year.  I was able to log on this morning and get actual decent promenade seats at regular price.  Like you, I usually avoid these games but since Mrs. “The Apple” is a *cough*  Yankees fan *cough*, it is nice to be able to take her to a game without having to go through scalpers.

The way I look at it, even if the fans re-sell, it’s better if your loyal fans are the ones re-selling because if they make money, odds are good that you will see some of that come back to you down the road.  Glad to see the lottery ditched and glad to see the Mets starting to do some consistently fan friendly stuff.

Almost makes me feel bad for taking so many cheap shots in The Apple. I’d like to think they understand we’re just having some fun.

Injoy The Floating Feeling & Let’s Go Mets,