Mets 2008 World Series Ticket

Chris who helps us out over on found this lil gem over on ebay. Nice looking ticket. Hopefully in the near future we can actually get to use the tickets for the World Series and not have to sell them on ebay as a “cool” collectors type item.

And when I say “cool” I mean makes me angry to look at it.

Remember you can always send stuff to me if you can’t get in touch with Shannon.
My email is [email protected] and you can follow me on twitter @mediagoon.

5 Replies to “Mets 2008 World Series Ticket”

  1. Wait, do people actually want to buy that on Ebay?

    I’ve got the whole strip of playoffs from both 2007 and 2008 if you want a picture. They’re still in the DHL envelope they came in. I haven’t looked at them since I took the one peak when they arrived in late September.

  2. ditto. i’ve been remodeling my house and cleaned out a bunch of old drawers and just last weekend i pulled out both sheets of playoff tickets from ’07 and ’08 and the world series tickets i thought i was destined to use in ’06.

  3. Same here, I can look up and see the DHL envelope on my file cabinet. Thought someday I’d see them and laugh, that day is not here yet.

  4. when i was leavng shea after game 5 of 1969 world series, i picked up about 25 tix people left behind!

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