I want to say that I don’t know how I feel about this, but the look on my face is giving it away.
The Mets are wearing stars and stripes caps tonight to I guess “support the troops” but something about the juxtaposition of the killing of Bin Laden and the timing of this doesn’t feel right to me.
I imagine the Mets’ hearts are in the right place, the Mets salute a service member at every home game I attend, the Wilpons have their initiative with Seaver, and this isn’t a “bust chops” or “complain about uniforms” post…but I dunno…something seems not warm and fuzzy about this one.

Bad taste? How about great taste you (name calling)
Roger I always welcome discussion but we try to keep it clean around here.
BTW, Shannon, I get where you’re coming from. As great as it was to get the news Sunday night, I had mixed feelings about people turning it into a street party. Sure, it’s a wonderful thing that that sub-human piece of garbage is gone from this world. It’s a shame it didn’t happen sooner. Be happy, be grateful, and congratulate those responsible. However, finding such unbridled joy in killing the other guy is more characteristic of the people we’re trying to defeat.
Sparks thanks for writing that. Yeah. I guess my feeling is more of glad we got him, glad itsnover – but a parade seems out of stepnwith who we are.
I have no problem at all with saluting a job well done if that’s what this is.
Just because Shannon calls this move into question doesn’t make him unpatriotic. I’ve already seen a few reactions from people about this and it’s pathetic. I think the hats are AWFUL and that has NOTHING to do with how much I love this country. It has everything to do with the hats being UGLY.
I guess I’m struggling with the timing. I dunno, I’m having trouble verbalizing it.
this sucks
if they wanted to honor the troops, there are much better ways than wearing this gimmicky cap
if they wanted to honor the memories of those lost on 9/11, the first responder caps and FDNYPD caps are just fine, thank you
Actually, since the Mets are “Honoring the Troops” it really wouldn’t make much sense to wear the first responders caps.
I see nothing wrong with wearing the same caps they will be wearing on Memorial Day.
Now, I’m with you on the MLB really going ugly on this seasons Stars & Stripes caps.
the mets shouldn’t just be honoring/thanking the troops; they should also be remembering the 9/11 victims and that horrific event which CAUSED our fine troops to have to undertake these missions
maybe it’s because i lost friends & a relative on that fateful day, but i feel the new york teams should never get away from recognizing (if they must) what set off the war on terror
and there are better ways to honor our fine men and women in uniform than wearing these stupid caps
Sorry Phil, I can’t agree with you. The Mets are not required to honor the NY/9-11 first responders whenever they wish to honor someones sacrifice.
Maybe I’m biased
i fear i’m not adequately expressing myself (which happens quite often when im this overworked)…
please don’t take my distaste for the caps as a slight upon honoring the troops — i have no problem with that — i just think the caps are a bad way to do it
i DO however, feel that the troops AND the first responders/FDNYPD & victims could ALL be honored tonight — the troops for a job well done and the victims, who’s tragic deaths made sunday’s action necessary
and if the mets just want to honor the troops, the sentiment i have towards the caps still remains — they can honor the troops without resorting to these shitty, gimmicky caps
even this is better than this
the ice cream man cap at least doesn’t look like the POS trucker hat they’re sporting tonight
Not that it takes much, but this is probably the most game-friendly stars and stripes cap MLB has trotted out so far. I’m generally opposed to white front panels, but in this case, it beats putting teams in solid caps of a color that doesn’t at all match their unis. At least these look passable from one angle.
how is this year’s cap any better than last year’s cap? the trucker panel looks even worse…
what’s next … breaking out these on memorial day?
As a stand-alone cap, last year’s is way better, but as I stated below, once you’ve made the decision to outfit all of MLB with one of two styles, going two-tone’s not a bad idea. At least the front panel will match the home team’s whites and the dark portion can play off the road team’s greys. Home teams look dumb in red or navy caps if that’s not their color. Road teams look ridiculous in white caps no matter what. This–fug as it may be–splits the difference.
It’s the same reason I prefer the Met’s all-in black look to the Butt-Ugly Hybrid Look. The jersey and cap are completely unnecessary and I despise the black socks, but at least they all match.
Also, the rest of the cap being colored may–though I’ll have to see it to know for sure–be a little more road-team friendly than the entirely white-crowned ones from last season which looked completely out of place with greys.
It’s a half-a$$ed compromise, but if you have to put everybody in one cap, they could have and have done worse.
How about they wear USS COLE and Marine/ Army unit hats? Then, on 9/11, they wear first responder hats.