It’s "Too Expensive" For Lance Armstrong To Be Tested?

Yes linking to the Times is lazy blogging but thought this was sharing in light of this weeks #1 sports topic.

Published: February 12, 2009
Don Catlin, the well-known anti-doping scientist who Lance Armstrong hired to create his strict and transparent anti-doping program, is parting ways with Armstrong.

Don Catlin, the prominent antidoping scientist who was supposed to run Armstrong’s program, said Wednesday that they had decided earlier in the day to part ways, without Catlin’s obtaining a full blood and urine sample from Armstrong. The program was too complex and too costly, Catlin said, and the decision to terminate it was mutual.

I’m no scientist but it’s complex and costly to pee in a cup and take some blood?

“You’re coordinating collectors … doing all these things. It became a nightmare of logistic issues and also, when you’re drawing blood, an athlete can rightfully complain if you take too much.”

What don’t I understand?  Hit comments…