Murph’s last home game, give him a big sendoff

daniel murphy 7 line army
You guys need to salute back tonight.

Tonight will be Daniel Murphy’s last home game as a New York Met.

Back in 2001 I was invited to Game 5 of the World Series so I went.  The crowd knew it would be Paul O’Neill’s final game and they gave him a nice chant.

Hopefully you guys in the orange sweatshirts can get a Dan-yull Mur-fee chant going in his third AB or so.

I know the phonies are back to hating on Murph again this morning after acting like they were big Murph fans for most of October.  On the other hand, there are many of you who appreciated what Murph brought to the team and know what a loss he will be to this squad.



Thanks Murph for busting ass these last eight seasons.  Best of luck to you with your new team and I hope we cross paths again next Murphtober.