Mets Police Morning Laziness: do it..while we still have time.

Ah the dreaded Double Off-Day where nobody has anything. Today’s crap I am not linking to includes Midseason Grading Reports, an old favorite of newspapers and Amazing Mets Insiderized Blogs to kill time with, the good old Second Half Preview and this not quite JDG to The Astros story (well that one gets a link).


SLACKISH REACTION:  I am enjoying the Metscation which means I can probably watch Fast 8 tonight.  The trains are a disaster, the Republicans a bigger disaster and some weirdos care about the ESPYs.  Tonight’s hell will be people tweeting about Mike & The Mad Dog.

This video shows highlights of the Mets’ first half.  We brought everyone back and thought we were smarter than the next guy.  As for trading deGrom….do it….while we still have time. (Before he gets hurt too)  Watch the 5 minute mark.