NHL Winter Classic with Rangers and Sabres still coming to Citi Field

There was a press conference today (I was invited, thank you NHL and Citi Friends) to discuss the Winter Classic which we’ve all known about for some time. Today’s exciting development, the logo of the road team the New York City Rangers who will visit the home Queens Sabres.

In case you’re wondering, as I understand it, the Rangers lease with MSG says they can only play home games at MSG. Of course there’s probably a way for the owner of the Rangers to convince the owner of MSG to waive the rule, but the Rangers ain’t giving up no home game.

UPDATE:  Jeremy says via twitter..

OK, Jeremy seems smarter than me, I will go with that.  However I like my joke so I am leaving it in.  We now resume original post.


Anyway I am sure the t-shirt people will Invade the puck out of this.  Go Sabres.

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