It’s Thursday night, 7:29pm. I’m fully aware there is a Mets game in 31 minutes. I have little intention of watching it, as I have a full DVR that still includes John Oliver, the last 5 Game of Thrones, some movies and even the last 3 episodes of Billions. And it’s at 98%. Something has to give.
I’ve been thinking that my blog has been pretty Anti lately. Not Anti-Mets, quite the opposite. It’s just Anti what I guess a Mets Blog is supposed to be.
Aside from some very early stumbling around the first few weeks, Mets Police has aimed not to be another Mets Blog whether that’s with a capital B or a small b. There are plenty of those.
We even have the Sons of Rubin, with I think at least two blogs that can’t even be bothered to come up with anything other than directly ripping off the Morning Briefing, to the point they didn’t even change the name.
I changed the name. And back in the Spring I started the Morning Laziness…and that’s where the Anti crept in.
Morning recaps are supposed to include game descriptions. Well, in 2017 Terry Collins decided to destroy the sport of baseball and make games 4.5 hours with the last 2.5 hours being mostly pitching changes. So I said, “Fuck it.”
I realized what was on my TV was boring. Whether it was winning or losing it was boring. And I started my 10pm rule. At 10pm, I’m out. Baseball can have three hours but not four.
Then I realized I like my weekends and gave up on Saturday Night Baseball. I enjoy friends, family, movies and video games. I really like video games. So I blow off Saturday Night Baseball and play Destiny and Fifa.
There’s the whole well discussed (on this site anyway) audio issues with both WOR and the App. So I stopped listening to Sunday games in the yard, and I stopped listening in the car.
That leaves GKR from Monday to Friday…except I work Monday night and I play volleyball on Wednesday….so now I’m down to three Mets games a week.
Am I a fake fan? No. Frontrunner? Well hell no as I’m still here writing about this, where did everyone else go.
But there’s the Anti. My blog is written from my perspective, and my perspective these days is about defiantly NOT watching the games and NOT listening to them.
That’s weird, right? I feel…I dunno..guilty? Should I buy some tickets and take some pictures of ice cream stands and do some Content For Content’s Sake (and I already do too much of that while busy.)
I went to one game in 2016 and none in 2017. None is gonna be a new record low breaking the record of one.
I enjoyed my Saturday ticket plan while I had it 2009-2014. Then my son and I realized we no longer wanted to commit 7 hours (the game, the commute, the hang) on a Saturday so we stopped.
That left me on the outs for the 2015 playoffs. Only one friend offered me a ticket, thank you Paul. Nobody else. Couldn’t get my own. Scalping over friendship, that’s cool, not how I roll. So I went without and it was fine.
Back to that theme – I’m fine without Mets baseball.
That’s weird, right?
I did a few meaty posts today because I had time. Tomorrow, I dunno, I will get up, see how the Mets did, write some snark, and then decide if I want to go with the generic stuff I have lined up or not.
So this has become, lately and not forever, a blog about a big Mets fan ignoring the Mets because the Mets just aren’t doing it for me. A Mets midlife crisis? Should I go date a soccer team for a few months and come back to my one true love? Or has MLB become a product thats slower than slow that’s hard to consume.
Anyway, thank you for reading. I’ll still be here every day until the Mets win the World Series while nicely dressed.
It’s 7:45 now and I wrote that in one take. I’m going to go watch John Oliver.