The Mets Blog Slog – it’s a long road to March 2019

Hello and welcome to the slog.  I am still mad at the Mets for leaving me hanging on Tuesday with no trades causing me to miss my number.

As I mentioned Tuesday, I try to have each month do better than the previous month.

As I’m in my 11th season of doing this, I know the pattern.

Traffic picks up in February, then March, then April…and then more often than not the team starts to suck and people drift away.  This year, no different…

April was the biggest month this year, with May being down from April but slightly above March.   June was just shot of May, and July SHOULD have beaten June but it didn’t for reasons discussed here.

Last year the blog dipped after June – with the next six months being a wasteland on the field and in terms of traffic.

October 2015?  Whatddaya know.  BIG MONTH.

The best year of them all was 2013 – that All Star Game drew lots of views, with July 2013 being a month with numbers that I probably won’t get to again – the way people consume the internet (Facebook!!!) has changed – so it would take a lot to get back to that era’s numbers.  That seems to be the case across the entire internet – so I get it and it is what it is.

Anyway July was the 5th best month in a year and a half, and would have been third had the Mets made a move which would have driven some eyeballs here.

Looking ahead – boy I fear what is to come.  There is going to be very little to write about these next two months…then we’ll get the slight November pop if they announce new caps, new uniforms or a new GM.   Then December and January are awful every year.

That’s a lot of slog blogging for this writer.  It’s going to be a lot of slog watching for you every night on the couch.

Boy the Mets suck….and not even in an interesting way.   Sigh.