Foolish Mets Blogger misses monthly target because he thought Mets would make trades

I had faith and I lost.

Every month I try to do better than the previous month.  I thought I had July over June in the bag, and thought July would beat May as well.  (When the Mets do well more people read Mets related blogs.  Guess how October 2015 did).

Now, as you know, I often post a bunch of generic things – like caps – to keep the blog alive on days when I am busy, like today!

This bring the trade deadline, I left the blog open (no generic stuff) figuring it would be foolish to post something when everyone was talking about the Wheeler/Flores/Whoever trade.

And the Mets did………NOTHING.

So with no posts, traffic is down, and I’m gonna miss the June numbers.

Thanks for nothing Mets.

For me, a self Wonka.  I lose, I get nothing.  Good day sir.